0 How To Hide your data in your java mobile without software

Follow simple steps
1. Create any new folder or you can use any existing folder that is to be hidden.
2. Rename the folder to any name but with the extension of .jad like if I want to hide my images folder then I will name it as "rkhan.jad"
3. Now create a new folder with the same name in the same directory but with the extension of .jar So, I would create the folder with the name "rkhan.jar"
4. And thats it!! My orignal "rkhan" folder which has been renamed with .jad gets hidden and only folder with .jar extension is visible which is empty.So, my data is protected/hidden from unwanted eyes. To unhide the orignal folder you have to remove the .jar extension from the new folder and your orignal folder with all the files and with.jad will become visible.


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